Monday, 19 March 2012

Long Time No See

Thought I'd better do a small update to let you know why things have been a bit quiet lately.

We've been living in our rented house since 1998, it was brand new when we moved in, so 14 years after coming here, we were due our 10 year Electrical Inspection. Yep, only 4 years late :S.

Anyway, we had to have a major clearout and tidy up as they needed access to all rooms, meaning a few trips to the local recycling centre. As we only have vans, and you have to book a van for a visit, I made use of my Mum and Stepdads car, so went and parked Nina at Mums then borrowed the car. That was over two weeks ago, and I've only just got her back. Mum lives right along side the A48 Gloucester to Chepstow road, so its fairly busy, and Nina has come home fairly grimy. She also nearly got wiped out by a lorry trying to turn in the road that couldnt get under the low bridge near Mums. Thanks to the neighbour for steering the driver away as he got within inches of Ninas rear quarter.

As you can see, she was VERY close to the fast A48 !

So all in all Im glad to have her home, safe and sound ;)

More updates soon, as soon as I get some decent weather and time !

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