If you remember, one of my overhead lights wasnt working, the middle one. I made an LED strip to replace the tube that I thought had gone, turned out it was he power unit. Anyway, the LED strip compared to the good front light was very dull, so I decided that I would swap the light fitting from the back, which would eventually be a storage compartment, with the middle faulty one.
So thats what I did, I only had to swap the power units in the end, not the whole fitting, so I now have two bright overhead lights in the soon to be living area, with the dimmer but sufficient LED light strip in the back fitting which will be over the storage compartment. The tube from the rear light is now a spare for when one of the front two blows.
This is how bright the 'living area' is going to be now with the main lights on, although useful when needed, there is also going to be plenty of subtle and mood lights to use when I dont want something so bright.
Whilst I was working on the light fittings, I took the middle one down completely before realising I didnt need to, anyway, it gave me an idea of what was above the white roof lining. Disappointingly, it doesnt look like there is any extra insulation in roofspace, BUT, it doesnt nescessarily need any as there is a space, which in itself creates insulation with the air that is in between the plastic lining and the metal roof. Its just that Kingspan or something would make more efficient insulation, so I may think about that, as the roof lining is easy to take down. It may be easier to line the roof with the carpet while its down. I may also rewire the speakers that are in the roof in the back at the same time, so that they can be used with the 12v amplifier in the back with my ipod etc.
The green looking part of the photo is the roof space, this is going to make it easy to run the wires to the back for the reverse camera and the heavy duty wire that will be needed for the planned winch Im going to put at the back doors to lift my 80kg marquee up the foot or two into the back doors when Im doing shows.
Itching to get back on with doing stuff now, the weather really hasnt helped lately, but think Im just going to have to wrap up and get on with it whatever the weather is doing, or it will never be finished ! :)
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