Saturday, 28 April 2012

New pressie for Nina :)

Well, it was my birthday this week, wednesday 25th for those of you that want to put it in your diaries to send a card next year, I ONLY got 15 cards this year ! :P. Need a big boost next year, thought I had more friends than that lol

Anyway, following on from last Birthdays ace present from Jen for Nina (although we didnt have Nina then, it was more for the 'hope' of Nina), the Caravanstore Bag Awning with Safari Room, one of her presents this year was a new Chemical Toilet ! Yay ! :). Another expense out the way.

Now, this is where I get a little nervous, did I get my measurements right on my seating to house it ok ?

:D, yes I did ! Just had the chance to try it and its like it was made for it :P.

Perfect ! I can now go ahead and make the door to hide it out of sight :).

See that space in the side ? Thats a toilet roll holder :P.

Now, to wish this bloomin weather would improve so I can get some more work done !

STILL not decided what to do with the windows, your comments suggest blanking them off completely, except Brian ! (yay Brian you got a mention on the blog :P) So, I'm going to get a quote on getting that done and take it from there. If its going to be astronomical then it wont happen, but I do need to sort something soon so I can get on with the interior, flooring and lining the walls etc.

If anyone has any other ideas not mentioned before, let me know ! :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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