Tuesday 18 October 2011

A Key Post......

One more problem we've had with Nina since the start (it sounds like we've had loads, it's not that bad, honest :P), is the fact we have only had one key. This has resulted in me breaking into Nina on more than one occasion to retrieve a locked in key ! Why does the key get locked in ? I think they must have put a locking timer on or something when converted to an Ambulance so that Nina could be left in a hurry and she would lock herself. Or maybe it's something Renault themselves do. Anyway, a couple of times I have left the key inside while ive popped out for something and Nina has locked herself, most probably with a cheeky grin on her face !

I rang Renault and asked for the price of a replacement key to give us a spare. To get the same key that we had, ie a remote and programmed key, they would need a week to order the key, then need Nina for an hour to program the key, which is obviously an inconvenience. On top of that, they want £170 for the privelage PLUS vat. As much as we wanted a key, I just couldn't pay that for a key, it's a rediculous amount of money for something that probably costs them a couple of pounds.

After locking the key in when I fitted the tow bar, it was dark and I scooped it up with my tools and put in the back of Nina accidentally, I decided to call Vern from Vern's Autoparts in Tredworth, Gloucester, and see if he could cut me a key that would just unlock a door if it were to happen again. It didn't need to be programmed to start the engine. He said yes that was fine, so I popped in with my original key. He asked if I'd like it programmed, I was a little surprised he could program it but asked the price and said I'd have to pop home and get Nina for him to do it. He said he didn't need the van and it would be £24 !!!! £24 for a key that would start the engine, unlock the doors, only thing it wouldn't do was remotely unlock the doors. Within 5 minutes the key was cut and programmed and I was on my way !

Tried it in Nina when I got home, and the physical key fitted all the doors fine, AND it de-immobilised her and started the engine ! Result :).

Saved myself £150 in the process and now don't have to worry about locking the key inside :).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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