This was the eBay seller's (the-best-price-for-you) photo from the auction.

In my mind all that would show through was the silver spokes. But they came today, and I didn't factor in my silver wheels lol.

As you can see it all looks a bit of a mess at the moment, but when I get a nice day I will rub the wheels down with a wire brush and spray the wheels behind black, will look a lot nicer then.

Not quite as bad from a distance, but the spokes will definitely stand out better with black wheels.
Speaking of wheels, I've been designing some advertising signs to go onto the spare wheel cover :).
I'm going to somehow make the cover magnetic, and get some round magnetic signs that I can interchange depending where Nina is.
This first one is the one I think that will be on Nina most of the time, give people the chance to go and read about her on this blog after they've seen her out somewhere :). Hello and welcome to Ninas blog if you are reading this after seeing her wheel cover ! :P.

This one is the one I will put on when we do the shows or go to any related events to photography...

There will be a couple more done, a Noahs Ark Rescue one, our rescue charity,, and maybe one for a charity Jen is a trustee for, HCBW, or Home Counties Boxer Welfare (, and maybe some more fun ones, depending on how much they cost of course lol.
Not sure how to get magnets to stick to the cover yet, maybe stick a metal disc to it first. Will have to do some research !
Did a quick mock up in photoshop to see how they'd look :P

Pretty cool huh ;)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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