Wednesday 5 October 2011

Time for Nina to work.....

As most of you know, I'm a photographer, and I do work for charities to help them raise their profile and give them images that they can use to advertise and sell on cards and calendars etc.

One of those charities is the Hedgehog Hospital in Stroud,, I've been working with them about 18 months or more now, and Bev, one of their volunteers, asked if I could come take some images for December on their Calendar and maybe for Christmas Cards too.

This was to be my first proper trip out in Nina, way up in the hills of Bussage, she performed very well, and was a joy to drive.

Anyway, I ended up making use of Ninas large space in the back before conversion, and set up a small white background and we took the photos of a very cute male hedgehog right there in the back :).

This is the background set up -

Note the Christmas tinsel to the left :P.

These are a couple of the resulting photos, Nina makes a very good photography studio, doncha think ? :)

Yep ! They were taken right there on that white vinyl in then back of Nina :).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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